ZHOU Xuanyi, ZHANG Yunqing, GU Ming, Simulation Method of Slide Snow Load on Roofs and its application in Some Representative Regions of China, Natural hazards,2013,Doi 10.1007/s 11609-013-0563-8
Ting-Hua YI, Hong-Nan LI, Ming GU. Experimental assessment of high-rate GPS receivers for deformation monitoring of bridge. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2013, 46(1): 420-432.
Ting-Hua YI, Hong-Nan LI, Ming GU. Recent research and applications of GPS-based monitoring technology for high-rise structures. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2013, 20(5): 649-670
Peng Huang, Xuanyi Zhou, Ming Gu Experimental study on wind loads on cylindrical reticulated shells, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,2013, 34 (3): 281-296
M. Gu, S.Y. Ren, Parametric vibration of stay cables under axial narrow-band stochastic excitation,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2013, 13(8).
Huang Peng, Wang Xu and Gu Ming, Study on near-ground wind characteristics of a strong typhoon-wind speed, turbulence intensities, gust factors and peak factors, Disaster Advances(in press)
Xuanyi Zhou, Zhihui Han, Ming Gu, Anan Zhang, Weiyu Zhang3, Wei Fang Research on Wind-induced Responses of a Large-scale Membrane Structure, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration(accepted).
M. Gu, H.L. Cao, Y. Quan Experimental study of across-wind aerodynamic damping of super-high-rise buildings with aerodynamically modified square cross-sections 2012-7 The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings(accepted).
Ting-Hua Yi, Hong-Nan Li, Ming Gu. Wavelet based multi-step filtering method for bridge health monitoring using GPS and accelerometer. Smart Structures and Systems, (accepted).